Thursday, January 15, 2009

fruit cake, sponge cake..

its ironic, how things might not be what they sound like. They might sound and look different at the same time. Hahah.. perfect example;

If fruitcakes are made from fruits flavoring, then does spongecakes taste like sponges? And whoever came up with WATERmelons, or ROCKmelons..? What's next, AIRmelons or FIREmelons?! They certainly doesn't lived up to the name. Hahahah!

Obviously, i has hit me in the head the words we came out with could be total rubbish but because the human mind has gotten so used to the frequent usage of these words, it became a norm. When was the last time you were having a conversation, and midway through, you stopped to think of what you are babbling about. Could it even make sense? But considering the 'ROJAK' language we abide to, NOTHING or ANYTHING might make sense at all.. LoL!

But then, it's always different on paper then on verbal conversations. =)

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